And this is how a supercharged 1.6 engine looks like.
Now, the question is "Which one to chooese from???"
Any comment out there???
And this is how a supercharged 1.6 engine looks like.
Now, the question is "Which one to chooese from???"
Any comment out there???
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Ting tong tiang..... :D
1.6! hehhehe
as long as it's 1.6 and below can edi..cheaper roadtax! =P
men and their cars.
Sarrrrr tek!.. .old rust car better buy 2nd hand car than puttin' turbos ....what's your real plan eh?...rileks bro...if want to show off, think again lah...dont want to raise white gold donation lor..... dig it?
firehorse : Tiang tong ting!!!
huei : memang pun both 1.6, can't go higher edi, if not cannot approve wan later...
cc : men and cars always comes together right??? :D
hashim : FEI TEK!!! u better watch out for your satria mivec!!!
smell my ekzos wei!!!
*sniff* *sniff*
turbo 1.3. what the point. car body heavy. even turbo also will not give you that much power then high maintenances. turbo only good for lunching. but end power my putra also can cucuk you ler.....
super charge 1.6. more CC... 1.6 already power enough and now plus it a supercharge much better..... maintenances how also still NA engine punya harga.... so you think lor.....
wan short term or long term.....
ofcause turbo have the power rush lar..... but supercharge also not back hor...... especially is a toyota engine.
you think.
kk : what u said is correct also. will send in the proposal for 1.6 supercharged. need t o get approval from the Home and Finance Minister first. tq yah... ;)
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