Friday, 26 September 2008

Opis Politics!!!

Hey... Don't mess around with the MAN who are taking care of 2 lil growing kids!!! I've warn you first!!! Don't later on you come and tell me that you didn't know about me!!!

I CAN be very MEAN if you want me to!!!

I CAN screw up your LIFE into a living hell if you want me too!!!

I CAN be a very BAD ASS if you want me too!!!

I know you are reading my blog too!!! If you think you can bet me out... come on over!!!

Canton people say " PUT YOUR HORSE COME "!!!




My Rantings said...

Hey, taikor, who stepped on your tail? Mou lou hei lah...

cc said...

Oh, war on?!

W_W_H said...

my rantings : calling me taikor??? hmm......

u wanna know who stepped on my tail...??? i tell u who... its a big fat ass with an anaconda head on a man's body!!!

CC : War??? No its not... It's the Judgement Day!!!